Welcome to Blossoms Early Learning Center...Where Amazing Things Happen!


Welcome to the awesome, amazing, Blossoms Early Learning Center. Here at Blossoms we pride ourselves on having high quality early learning programs and environments. We offer Home Visiting Programs for our parents and Birth to age 3 learners. Students ages 3-5 are able to learn and explore in playful and nurturing environments. Our staff is comprised of wonderful, certified educators who understand best practices and the importance of good social-emotional supports.

As Director, I have found Blossoms ELC to be an exceptional place to learn and grow. We have many talents here at Blossoms that each unique member of our learning community contributes. We value diversity and equity. We strive for inclusiveness of all stakeholders, and believe in the importance of voice- students, staff, parents, and community.

Blossoms enrolls students on an on-going basis. Students must be screened to be accepted into the program. If you are interested in a screening and becoming a valued member of our learning community, please call the Blossoms office at 708-758-4762.

For our children,

Dr. Tricia Walton

Director of Early Childhood, CCSD #168